Thursday 20 October 2011

PC Ports and Pins

There are different pots in the PCs these are as below.

Serial Port - 9 pins
parallel port - 25 pins
PS2 Port - 6 pins

Saturday 15 October 2011

What is Frequency?

Frequency is the number of cycles per unit time. It is denoted by "f" and measured in Hertz. The reciprocal of frequency is Time Period, which is denoted by "T".

for example

Q: If there are 20 cycles of a wave within 4 seconds then what is the frequency?
Sol: Here, n= 20 and T =4 so


Friday 14 October 2011

Basic Electrical Concepts: Current, voltage, resistance, power and Ohm's Law

This is about the electrical concept which is used while learning Hardware.

Current: It is the flow of electrons. It is measured in Ampere. It is denoted by I.

Resistance: It is the ability to oppose the flow of current. It is measured in Ohms. It is denoted by R.

Voltage: It is the potential difference between two points. It is measured in Volt. It is denoted by V.

Power: It is the product of Voltage and current. It is measured in Watt. It is denoted by P.

Ohms' Law: V= I X R, Where r is constant.

Introduction to PC

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